
Anarchy Beyond the Walls

Issue 1

Shane and Mike deliver the explosives from Wesley to the insurgents. They rush to get the explosives in place, before a MEG convoy gets to the bridge.  When they fire the explosives, they find that Wesley has betrayed them. Dylan directs the MEG forces to attack. Shane and Mike struggle to evade the trap.  Shane escapes before Dylan calls in an airstrike. The airstrike is responsible for collateral damage. Within the walled city, Karina prepares for another high class dinner. Miguel scavenges through the aftermath of the convoy attack to collect spent shell casings. At Shane’s gas station Grams tells Elizabeth about the financial collapse, while they make lollipops. Miguel arrives to trade the spent shells for Grams’ lollis. He tells them about Mike and Shane. Elizabeth finds Shane grieving at their local bar. She brings him home, as he proclaims his desire for vengeance on Wesley.


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